Itadakimas! Japan's Expression of Gratitude

As we continue to share the rich flavors of Japanese BBQ with the heart of Philadelphia, we are excited to explore another important aspect of Japanese culture: the phrase "Itadakimasu." This simple yet profound expression is more than just a way to say "bon appétit." It carries a deep meaning and symbolizes the gratitude, respect, and mindfulness that are integral to Japanese culture. Join us as we delve into the significance of this phrase, its pronunciation, origins, and the reasons behind its use.

What Does Itadakimasu Mean?

"Itadakimasu" (いただきます) is a traditional Japanese phrase often said before enjoying a meal. Translated literally, it means "I humbly receive" or "I gratefully accept." The phrase signifies a sense of gratitude for the food one is about to enjoy, as well as for the efforts of those who contributed to its preparation, from farmers and chefs to family members.

How to Pronounce Itadakimasu

Pronouncing "Itadakimasu" correctly is essential to truly appreciate its meaning. The “u” at the end is silent.

Here's the pronunciation: "ee-ta-da-kee-mahs."

The Origins of Itadakimasu

The phrase "Itadakimasu" has its roots in Japanese religious and cultural practices. Derived from the verb "itadaku" (頂く), which means "to receive" in a humble and respectful manner, the expression is closely associated with Japan's native Shinto religion. In Shinto, it is believed that food is a gift from the gods, and expressing gratitude for this gift is an essential part of daily life. Over time, this sentiment has been woven into the fabric of Japanese culture and has become a common practice before enjoying a meal.

Why Do Japanese People Say Itadakimasu?

Saying "Itadakimasu" before a meal serves several purposes. Firstly, it is an expression of gratitude for the food itself, acknowledging the various elements of nature that contributed to its creation. Secondly, it shows appreciation for the hard work of those who were involved in the cultivation, preparation, and cooking of the meal. Finally, it serves as a reminder to approach the meal with mindfulness and savor each bite with gratitude.

At Jomon, we are honored to share this beautiful tradition with our guests in Philadelphia. As we gather around the grill to enjoy the exquisite flavors of Japanese BBQ, we encourage our customers to embrace the spirit of "Itadakimasu" and take a moment to appreciate the journey each ingredient has taken to reach our plates.

In addition to our commitment to providing an authentic yakiniku experience, we believe that embracing the cultural traditions and values that surround Japanese cuisine is an essential part of our mission. By sharing the history and meaning of "Itadakimasu," we hope to inspire a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture within our community.

So the next time you join us at Jomon for a delicious Japanese BBQ feast, remember to say "Itadakimasu" and savor not only the flavors but also the gratitude and respect that this simple yet powerful phrase embodies. We look forward to welcoming you and creating cherished memories together around the grill.



Japanese Culture in Philadelphia


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